Wednesday 3 June 2015

Fiberglass Flagpoles: 5 Benefits Make Them a Better Choice

Flags owe their popularity and importance to the history. Every country in this world has a national flag. While national flags symbolize unity, identity and strength of a country, it can also represent a religion, culture or sports or occasion. Whatever the occasion is, hosting a flag is sometimes fun and you must choose a flagpole type that will always keep your flags flying high. Whether you host a flag on the ground or rooftop, you will always need a flagpole. There are numerous online stores offering American Flagpoles for Sale at bargain rates.

Flagpoles are usually made of aluminum, steel or fiberglass. Among the three, fiberglass poles are considered the best choice for various reasons. 

Here are five important benefits that make fiberglass flagpoles the better choice.

·         Fiberglass Flagpole can withstand Elements: Fiberglass is a very strong material made from fiber reinforced plastic. The plastic matrix can be a thermosetting plastic like epoxy, polyester resin- or vinylester, or a thermoplastic. They have the perfect built to withstand elements, such as strong winds, rain and heat. The biggest enemy of any flagpole is the wind and unlike the metal flagpoles, a fiberglass flagpole can withstand a heavy windstorm. 

·          Erode Free: As fiberglass flagpole can withstand natural elements, it is free from damaging consequences like the eroding from rain or color fading from the exposure to the sunlight. As for the color, it mostly comes in white which is also the color of the material. So there are hardly any chances of it getting discolored from the constant exposure to the natural elements.

·         Doesn’t Require Maintenance: Unlike its metal counterparts, fiberglass flagpoles require little or no maintenance. The metal flagpoles may get discolored and need re-painting, but the fiberglass flagpoles do not require this. Also, they are very flexible and in case of heavy wind there is little chance of it breaking.

·         Noise free: The flapping of the flag against the flagpole can be distracting. Fiberglass flagpoles don’t let the noise disturb you when the flags flap against the material. The built of the flagpoles is such that, it cancels out any noise.

·         They are very safe: Metal flagpoles can attract lightening and during a thunderstorm and transmit it to the earth. Since, fiberglass is made mostly from the plastic it is free from such hazardous consequences. 

Buying the Perfect Fiberglass Flagpole

Fiberglass flagpoles can last for a lifetime because of its several beneficial features. You can buy your fiberglass flagpole from a local store or order it online. There are several online stores offering American Flagpoles for Sale at great prices. One of the key benefits of buying fiberglass flagpole from an online store is that you can check out various options and choose the one that best suits your needs. 

Fiberglass flagpoles outrun other types of flagpoles in many ways. It lasts longer, it’s safe and it doesn’t require much maintenance work. Due to its various advantageous features it is one of the popular choices for flagpoles. Anchor Flag and Flagpole offer American Flagpoles for Sale online.